This week I have been luck to have a week off work so have been taking time to stop and smell the roses. Work has been really manic so just stopping and thinking about other things... pretty, lovely and beautiful things, has been a real refresher.
So I have been mainly getting to understand the world of lifestyle blogging! It is so much more intricate than I thought when I started, but I love learning new things and have really enjoyed exploring what is out there. As you can see I have been busily adding content so my blog is a bit less bare. This will definitely even out when I establish some routine to my life again (been off work this week). One routine I will be aiming for will be weekly thoughts, inspirations and appreciations. So this is my first!
I have never really got involved in social media before, so a whole new world has opened up through blogging. I am only just getting the hang of how to manage all these streams (I want to follow everyone!), and how to manage the programs themselves! Anyone who has followed will see that I have been accidentally doubling up all over, and posting things with lots of spelling mistakes as I am moving a lot faster than my mobile phone....does it not realise I use the word 'love' a lot more than 'live' yet?
I have been making the most of being off work by finishing up my half finished, or daydream, sewing projects. Over the past few months I have acquired a fair amount of fabric and patterns...recently I haven't had time to make but there is always time to shop to ease my crafty itchings! There are so many things I want to make I get a bit impatient to get them all done, and it's nice to have been able to just
do the maxi dress I've been thinking about, and to start my Liberty print pyjamas (inspired by their nightwear range, using a print I bought ages ago). These pyjamas won't be featuring any time soon though as they are proving really tricky. But I have proudly
mastered started learning how to sew without a pattern, hacking patterns and working with chiffon.
Being off work has also given me a chance to actually cook something properly for a change - not just because it is quick! Pizza recipe coming up soon...
Next week I am looking forward to
- Spa time with my good friend Rhea. With afternoon tea.
- Seeing Elvis. Well, the exhibition in the O2 to be precise with my pops (his Father's Day present).
- Getting ready for our upcoming holiday/honeymoon/first anniversary.
- Getting my work face back on and blitzing the to do list.
- Not being a social media newbie/clutz. Maybe sort out my facebook page?