Quilting in quarantine part 4 - Binding

Binding a large quilt

Finally, I have finished free motion quilting and moved to the very last stage of completing the quilt I've been working on in lockdown. I always find the final stages of a project somewhat nerve wracking, especially when it's taken a long time to put together. It doesn't take a lot to detract from weeks of work that I'm quite proud of. Mixed results on this part I feel.....
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Sew your own swimwear - easier than I thought!

Sew your own swimwear

What possessed me to try sewing my own swimwear? Partly, it's because I can never find swimwear that fits. I'm not sure why I thought I had the skills to rectify it, but I did reason with myself that fitting garments from knit fabrics tends to go quite well, and I was looking for something a bit different from my go-to summer dresses, so worth a try. There's a lot that went well with this project, there were some adaptations, and there are a few things that I would do differently next time.

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Je suis.....

Sewing and other stories


Hello again!

After a somewhat extended social media detox, I'm returning with a new name. Those of you who follow on the YouTube channel will know that I moved house (again) and in that time I've had a bit of a break from everything craft and social media based, with all my creative energies going into that instead. However, now that things are getting closer to normal I'm getting back into my crafting habits, which means that my social media is also coming back online too. However, coming back in made me think a bit about what I'm doing. After 6 years of blogging as The Petite Passions, I've realised that things have changed. What started out as a lifestyle blog, with a wider variety of posts, really has narrowed down to my main loves of sewing and knitting. I was never really happy with my previous name, though it did encompass where I started out, writing about my little loves (with a bit of synonym searching, that then became The Petite Passions, also because as a dressmaker, I fall into the 'petite' category of under 5ft 3").  Now my little loves are clearer. All of my previous recipes and posts about being out and about will still stay on the blog (just hit the labels on the right if you fancy a look back through those), and may feature again now and then, but really this blog is full of sewing and knitting! If you follow me on Instagram, you'll see that I'm popping up now as Sewingandotherstories, matching the new website. I'm hoping that anyone searching for this blog can still find it!!!! 

Stay tuned for sewing updates and more stories x

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Welcome to Sewing and Other Stories; my journeys with sewing and knitting; pattern reviews, tips and guides for beginners. I'm also the designer behind West Beach Knits knitting patterns and I host a Knitting and Sewing channel on YouTube where you can see all of this in person. Come have a look!

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